Alignment & The Soul

How do you know when you’re knocked out of alignment? It’s simply the way you feel. Most types of negative emotion and/or physical illnesses are telling you that you are out of alignment. And what is your soul’s role in all of this? As Denise Jarvie states in The Secret Language of Light, “It is not up to your soul to zap you into alignment. Its job is to maintain your soul station, so you have a frequency to tune in to. The nature of physical life is to create and expand. Sometimes life experiences will pull you out of alignment so that you can understand these experiences from a different angle.” Now to be clear, this is a good thing as this is what gets us to build clarity and is what lets us know what we definitively don’t want so that we can do a much better job of creating what it is that we do want.

It was during a visit to my chiropractor for a regular adjustment that he said something to me that really resonated with my philosophy on alignment. I was having some unusual pain that had surfaced and he asked me what had happened since that last time I saw him that may have thrown me out of alignment. He said “there are 3 T’s that throw people out of alignment - Toxins, Thinking (negatively) and Trauma.” I had then realized over the previous week I had eaten quite a bit of sugar (toxins), something I normally don’t do because I follow a ketogenic diet. This threw me out of ketosis and created quite a bit of inflammation which was directly related to the additional pain I was feeling. Then I thought about those 3 T’s and how they also apply to the alignment with your soul.

Toxins - Your body is a precious gift and in order to thrive in this 3d environment it requires loving care and sustenance. We can encounter a wide array of toxins on a daily basis and based on your individual soul contract these vary to how severe they will throw you out of alignment. Some of the most obvious toxins are addictions to smoking, alcohol, drugs, and junk food. These particular toxins give you a “high” which is what creates the addiction that keeps you coming back for more. However, not only does it have a negative effect on the body, it is a spiritual bypassing mechanism that keeps you from doing your “inner work” to raise your level of consciousness naturally. According to David R. Hawkins, M.D., PH.D ,a leading authority in the field of consciousness (crossed over in 2012), in his brilliant book Power VS Force states “The permanent high-state experience, which may be legitimately attained only through a lifetime of dedicated inner work, can be reached temporarily by artificial means. But the balance of nature dictates that to artificially acquire that state without having earned it creates a debt and the negative imbalance results in negative consequences. The cost of such stolen pleasure is the desperation of addiction and finally, both the addict and society pays a price.”

Thinking (negatively)

I have heard from many spiritual leaders that the ego is attached to suffering. According to one of my favorites, Eckhart Tolle, 90% of suffering happens in the mind. How many of us have had someone do or say something negative to us that has us replaying it out in our mind with either the actual scenario or in many cases different scenarios (because we wished we would have handled it differently). Depending on how much of a trigger it is for you this mind replay can go on for days, months or even years. And it doesn’t feel good because you are not in alignment with your soul which is all about your happiness, expansion, and moving forward. So it is important for us to be the quiet observers of our mind because our thoughts are what creates our emotions. And emotions are what attracts our experiences. Once you understand this concept you can start to implement things in your life like meditation and exercise which help you to learn how to navigate and use your mind in a positive manner.


Every trauma - whether it occurs in a physical, emotional or interpersonal way affects the body and nervous system. Suppressed trauma can stay locked in our cells (sometimes as a safety measure) until it is ready to be released. This can often cause much physical pain and can initiate subconscious survival mode symptoms such as PTSD. Trauma’s can be the best and the worst to deal with - especially if there is chronic pain involved. I say the best - not to minimize anyone’s experience with severe trauma - but it was through a horrific accident that Dr. Joe Dispenza encountered what he considers is his “wake up” call. Through this accident, he was able to heal himself by changing his beliefs and now goes around the country lecturing and showing others how they can heal too (soul’s purpose). His best selling book, You are the Placebo, is based on the the fact that for years science has proved that some people can recover with just a “sugar” pill because they believe it will work. And he has a wonderful way of bridging the gap between the physical and spiritual in order to explain how this happens - especially for us with strong analytical minds. I just know for my own experience and through working with others, releasing trauma and reprogramming your beliefs, has fantastic results.

So, this comes full circle as I mentioned in the beginning, sometimes you get knocked out of alignment so that you can gain clarity on what it is that’s really important to you. The most comforting thing to know is that your soul is NEVER out of alignment and knowing its path gives you a safe place to call home.

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